here you can download - NO STREAMING ! - samples of the music released by SOUL MADE PRODUCTIONS artists as .mp3 files
the samples are about one and a half minutes long. if you would like to buy any of our records please hit the CDs button or here.
hier können sie hörbeispiele einiger SOUL MADE PRODUCTIONS künstler als .mp3 files downloaden
die hörbeispiele sind etwa eineinhalb minuten lang. falls sie einige - oder alle :-) - unserer CDs käuflich erwerben möchten drücken sie bitte den CDs  button oder hier.

Thomas Borchert

Main Street

Title: Butterflies
Artist: Thomas Borchert
Written by: Thomas Borchert
Taken from: Ruthless Lovesongs
Title: A Viertl mehr (Take 5)
Artist: Main Street
Written by P.Desmond
Taken from: Woedhits.Ohne Kapoe'n
Title: Loosing Control
Artist: Thomas Borchert
Written by: Thomas Borchert
Taken from:Ruthless Lovesongs
Title: I bin da Scherriff (I Shot The...)
Artist: Main Street
Written by B.Marley
Taken from: Woedhits.Ohne Kapoe'n
Title: Mehr als jedes Wort
Artist: Thomas Borchert
Written by: Thomas Borchert
Taken from: Mehr als jedes Wort
Title: Johnny Goes To Hollywood
Artist: Main Street
Written by K.Peterson
Taken from: Woedhits.Ohne Kapoe'n
Title: The Best Of Goodbyes
Artist: Tom Reed
Written by: Tom Reed/John Middleton
Taken from: The Best Of Goodbyes

Various Artists


Title: So They Say
Artist: Thomas Borchert + K. Peterson
Written by: Borchert/Peterson
Taken from:VIENNA BLUES. VOL.1
Title:21st Century SchiziodBlues
Artist: Friends & Neighbours
Written by: Freund
Taken from: VIENNA BLUES. VOL.1

Princess W.

Title: Waltzing In Vienna
Artist: Patricia Simpson
Written by: Simpson/Schweng
Taken from:VIENNA BLUES. VOL.1

Mark Janicello

Title: Stay
Artist: PRINCESS Williams
Written by: D. Lawrence
Taken from: Hail The Princess
  Title: Deep In Your Soul
Artist: Mark Janicello
Written by: K.Peterson/C.Reinicke
From: Deep in your soul  (MaxiCD)



Title: The End of the Tunnel
Artist: Mark Janicello
Written by: K.Peterson/M.Janicello
From: Deep In Your Soul (MaxiCD)
Title: I glaub des kannst vagessn
Artist: Menschenfreund
Written by T. Boeroecz
Taken from: Menschenfreund (MaxiCD)
Title: Slide
Artist: Cedric
Written by: Bradley/Bakels
Taken from:  Slide (MaxiCD)

p + c 2004